1. II desu ka (ideska) = May I?
2. Doko desu ka (doko deska) = Where is ... ?
3. Sumimasen = Excuse me ... (Sorry, hello, attention)
4. Arigatou = Thank you
5. Domo = Very (appreciate, hello, thanks)
6. Onegai Shimasu = Please (to ask, greetings, point)
7. Domo Arigatou= Thank you very much
8. Hai = yes (desu ~ it is)
9. Ie (iie) = no (ja arimasen~it is not)
10. Ramen desu ka = ramen is it?
11. Watashi wa ... = I want to do ... (refers to self)
12. Oishii = delicious
13. Itakadimasu = (eat a duck and a mouse) say before eating
14. Moshi moshi = hello
15. Konnichi wa = greetings (good day)
Preparations To Do:
1, IC Card - suica = 3000 yn
2. pocket wifi = japan wireless
3. currency exchange = 15000 yn
4. google maps
5. google translate
6. bank
7. immigration QR code
8. Tokyo pocket guide